June 27th at 2pm

We are proud to announce that there will be a Tea Party event to Restore Our Republic at the Ripley park on Cherry Street on June 27th at 2pm. Our featured and confirmed speakers are former US congressman Bob McEwen, attorney and author Bill Flax, State representative Danny Bubp, and eyewitness to communism Harald Zieger. This event will certainly be both invigorating and educational. Please put it on your calendar.
Our goal is to help shape the discussions at the Tea Parties the following week on July 4th. Our Nation has been hijacked by frightening socialists and closeted communists who hold our American history and traditions in sneering contempt, while the nominally conservative party has been hijacked by those who just want to get along and hope to tweak the militant Marxist agenda of those who now inhabit Washington DC.
Rooted, stake-holding Americans have a patriotic duty to repudiate and resist this un-American insanity.
If you think:
The messianic personality cult being built up around Obama is downright creepy;
That the "patriotic" Patriot Act should not be used to criminalize political dissent;
That putting our Nation in hock to hostile foreign nations, for any reason, is against our interests;
That spending money we don't have runs counter to common sense;
That "homosexual marriage" is an oxymoron;
That the 2nd Amendment means what it says;
That the Constitution means what it says;
That when A takes from B on the pretense of helping C: A is a scoundrel;
That doubling the number of foreign "guest workers", while more than 1/2 million of us lose our jobs each month has no explanation consistent with genuine concern for the American people;
That our children belong to us, and not to the State.
That raising taxes, on anyone, is never a good idea in bad economic times;
That we have too many international obligations;
That we have become a party to too many sovereignty-destroying treaties;
That corrupt ACORN should not get taxpayer money;
That the Census should not be politicized, or used to give areas with large numbers of illegal aliens additional Congressional representation at the expense of law-abiding Americans;
That the Obama plan to reinstate the confiscatory estate tax, and not index it to inflation, is a plan to wipe out family farms and businesses;
That Obama's catastrophic borrowing and spending means that impossible taxation, hyperinflation, and national bankruptcy are our near future;
That the Obama election is a fundamental mistake in our history;
That Obama should release his birth certificate and release information about his past travels and college records;

Then you should attend on June 27th at 2pm!

For additional information, please email: ripleyrally@gmail.com


There will be a Tea Party in Bethel, Ohio, on July 6th.
Tea Party, USA 45106." The event will be at the Bethel Community Center at 135 N. Union St., Bethel, sign-in at 6:30 p.m., meeting starting at 7:00 p.m

The Ripley park on Cherry St. is the park immediately behind the Post Office in Ripley. If you are coming into Ripley from Cincinnati, you will go through two traffic lights, and a block later, the Post office is on the left, and a drive thru is on the right. Ripley is on US52, about 50 miles east of downtown Cincinnati.